**This conversation is brought to you by Spinforce R/C game. All opinions are my own.**
People often think that because I have little girls cars and trucks and radio control toys are not very popular here. They could not be more wrong and their current attachment to the 2016 toy, SpinForce R/C is proof! I set this game up in less than 5 minutes and the girls played it for hours!
The concept is simple. Two cars race around the dome, challenging each other to stay in. First car that leaves the track loses! Putting the dome track together is super easy. All I needed were AAA batteries to get the kid’s going.
Players control the cars in a centrifugal force fight to the finish. Race the battle cars around the arena and try and knock the opponent out. This two-player game offers hours of fun and strategy mastering. Plus there is never the same game twice. Each set includes 2 wireless remotes, 2 two-speed race cars, battle arena, 2 spare tires, screwdriver and stickers. The yellow and black “battle arena” measures 25” wide.
Jupiter Creations got this one right! I could not have come up with this much entertainment for my kids where they actually share and laugh with each other! We can take the lightweight track anywhere, even outside, to race and challenge each other even on the road!
Whether you have girls, boys or even a man in your life that loves some good ole fun in the racing competition arena, Spinforce R/C will thrill them! The cars scream around the dome, fly out with speed and force and instill happiness with such ease!
I say this is a must have for any household! If my three girls can our race each other with smiles on their faces, so can your family!
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