Watching my oldest daughter learn to read has been a real pleasure!  She went into Kindergarten reading “cat” and came out reading at a 2nd grade level.  And as I have watched her read book after book this summer, I have been proud of her progress!

But this summer, I also wanted to work with my preschoolers on reading.  And help Katie continue to discover the amazing written word.  But I am not a teacher nor could my personality ever allow me to be.  So when the good people at approached me to review the Interactive Phonics Program for Children 4 -9, I jumped on it.

Not having any teaching experience or skills at all, I was a little apprehensive, I will admit.

But when I received the kit, my fears were eased as this complete and detained kit had everything I would need to help teach my children and everything my children needed to learn!

The Teacher’s Manuals – there are two – are amazing!  With everything from tips on how to prepare your home or room for teaching to suggested time lines to how to have the right attitude to teach, my inexperience was eased.  There are even step by step instructions on how to teach phonics, how to add humor to the lesson and even details ideas on how to draw something to help the kids learn.

I may still need help as I go and am so excited that I can attend a FREE Parent Phonics Training Webinar to help me even more!

During my time using the manual, I really started to get into teaching my kids and felt like I really did have the confidence and skills to do it well!  Any time I was lost I consulted the manual and found a tip, trick or answer I needed to help my kids!

Inside the kit is also the Discover Intensive Phonics for Yourself Interactive book for the kids!  I was hesitant to let my kids draw all over ours as I see us using this kit for a long time to come so I flipped the book open to pages I wanted the kids to work on and made copies.

With more complex worksheets like Diagram Practice and fun stuff like Activities and games, Sarah (4) and Katie (5) never lost interest in the work sheets!  And that was great for me because I really wanted to help them build skills and learn!

Also included in this amazing kit are four books for the kids to read with 32 stories, phonics cards to help drive home the lesson and posters with even more explanation of phonics, a great T-Shirt and even more!  It really is a comprehensive kit that any parent can use to teach their kids to understand phonics and decoding skills!

As I used this product over the last few weeks with the kids I kept thinking of what a perfect asset this would be for homeschooling parents and teachers in school alike!  And it is a great way to help kids remember what they learned during the school year during a long and hot summer!

With programs like mine for ages 4 – 9, ages 10 through adult (get your FREE Trial of this program), ESL Learners and Homeschooling packages, has something for everyone who wants to help their kids and themselves learn and understand reading better.

I really like this program a lot and am not only impressed with how comprehensive it is but how much fun it is to sit down and teach my kids for years to come.  I am learning valuable skills that will come in handy during homework time and they are learning that Mommy can teach them too.  It really is a win win for all parties involved!

Check out and see how they can help you both with manuals and software for your reading needs!

And since everyone should have amazing reading skills, is awarding (1) of my readers the same 4 -9 Interactive Reading Kit that I received!!  A $199 value, this will be a program that you will use for years to come!  Just enter using the Rafflecopter form below:


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****I received the products indicated for review purposes only. All opinions and writings are my own and can not be duplicated without prior permission.  Please see my Disclosure Policy for more information.**

a Rafflecopter giveaway