**Instructions By Beth & Tots**
My Tots love to help me in the kitchen, and cupcakes are at the top of their favorites for things to make. This simple mini spring cupcake sampler gives them room to use their creative side! They are so tasty, you cannot eat just one, so a sampler is a must!
Directions to Make these Tasty Treats from the Tots…
1. Your mom (or dad) is going to have to make the mini cupcakes, because we are not allowed to use the oven. Little kids should just stay about 21 feet away from the oven if the door is open. (Tot #2 adds, yeah- the oven gets about 28 degrees hot and you might burn your fingers).
We mix up strawberry cake mix and vanilla cake mix for our cupcakes. We really like the strawberry ones for spring. They just taste better on sunny days.
2. Let them cool for like 30 seconds or so (mom adds, let them completely cool) before you spread on frosting. You should use the frosting that you like best because you will have to lick it off your fingers!
3. Your mom will try to take over at this point. Use your elbows to keep her away from your cupcakes. Put your sprinkles in a small bowl and roll around the tops of the cupcakes to get as many sprinkles as you can. If you run out of sprinkles go to the store and buy more because kids love sprinkles. Girls will especially want to use up all of the pink ones real fast.
4. The cupcakes that do not look the prettiest can be eaten first, because your mom might want to take pictures of the best ones. We were not allowed to eat all 3 cupcakes all at once, maybe your mom will let you. If you do not ‘bounce off the walls’ after eating 2 of them, you might be allowed to eat the last one.
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