5 Types of men single moms meet online #skexperts

Single moms, beware: This list of losers that starts with ‘the marrieds’ and goes downhill from there

I was flipping through Facebook late last night, interested in the lives of those around me, relishing in the births, the weddings and the football games. As I scrolled, I stopped on a post from a single mom talking about how frustrating online dating is.

She had met several people online who seemed interesting on the surface. But with further discussion, she realized one was already in a long-term relationship, and the other had a fetish she just could not fathom. My heart sank for her. I understand all too well the emotional frustration of dating as a single mom. In fact, in my on and off years online trying the dating thing, I have consistently come across five types of men who seem to prey on single moms.

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