Legend of Korra fans, unite!! This American animated tv series, created by Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino, premiered on Nickelodeon in 2012. The Japanese animation influenced show was made as a sequel to the Avatar: The Last Airbender series. You may have seen that on Nickelodeon from 2005-2008.
If you’re not familiar with Legend of Korra, it is set in a fictional universe where some people bend the elements of water, earth, fire or air. The only person that can all four, is Avatar. Maintaining balance in the world is also Avatar’s responsibility. Avatar Korra is the successor of Aang from the Airbender series mentioned above. She faces political and spiritual turmoil in a world that is evolving.
As with most shows geared towards a younger audience, there are many lessons and messages within the series. This is a show that the whole family can sit down to enjoy and watch together. Legend of Korra – Book Two: Spirits was released on DVD and Blu-ray this month.
Get in the action on Nickelodeon’s website, as well as the Legend of Korra’s Facebook.
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