**Affiliate links are included. All opinions are my own. This is a partnership promotion with ConsiderMeFit.com**

It is not too late to kick off that New Year’s Resolution again! With March upon us comes Easter dresses and then swimsuit season! We can all feel and look our best by the pool! Are you up for the challenge?

Join the 30 Day Squat Challenge from ConsiderMeFit.com!

ConsiderMeFit.com Squat Challenge

ConsiderMeFit.com is a website by Holly, a mom of a toddler, who is dedicated to being a fit mom! The website includes  work outs, recipes, motivational advice and natural products that will help you get on track and stay on track all year round!

Holly believes that “Optimal health is obtainable for everyone and can be easy, fun and delicious!  There is no quicker path to your goals than consistent, healthy eating, exercise and leading a more natural, chemical free lifestyle!” She wants everyone to join in to make the changes needed to live your best life!

Starting the first week of March, you can join Holly in the 30 day Squat Challenge to get that perfect shape for your body! Hurry to the site and sign up now!

To help motivate you to get back on track – or keep motivated on your already improved health – we are giving a reader some awesome motivational prizes!

The ConsiderMeFit.com prize pack includes:

 $50 Amazon Gift Card

$50 Amazon Gift Card

Reserveage Organics – Whey Protein Grass-Fed Vanilla 12.7 oz

ReserveAge Organics - Grass

Gymboss Interval Timer and Stopwatch – GOLD / WHITE METALLIC

Gymboss Interval Timer and Stopwatch - GOLD / WHITE METALLIC

Congratulations Stephanie B.!!