In the rough and tumble world of the seedy South Bronx, a cop battles his desire to continue his guest spot on Law & Order – and his interest in a sexy TV producer – or stay with the police force and his partner to battle the darkest of underworld’s. The dilemma’s merge to create a crime story made for captivation.
Confessions of a Catholic Cop is an illustration of the journey to find self, the bravery to deal with the worst of society, and the personal understanding of a passion you did not think you had.
It has been a long time since I have been able to read a book cover to cover. And thankfully, this fast moving, easy to read, addicting novel was just up my alley! Well written with twists and turns that I was not expecting, the hunt for arsonists and the criminally driven perps that preyed on the innocent residents of the South Bronx is now on my bookshelf to read again one day.
Writer Thomas Fitzsimmons, a former new York City police officer turned head of security for many A-list Hollywood stars (currently Catherine Zeta-Jones’) and author, tells it like it is. There is no sugar coating the rough, dark world that his main character, Michael Beckett, walks the beat of. The drugs, the crimes, the harshness of reality for any innocent civilian is clearly understood. It is all in here, expertly written from the eyes of a seasoned cop.
But there is a softer side to the novel. A love interest, Solana, that is strong, independent, and smart. She is instrumental in tying heart into this novel and adding a female perspective to the gritty crime solving process. And anyone with a softness for animals will fall in love with Lobo, the one eyed stray dog with a hard start to life.
I like the way the book is written. I like the story line. And I like the little surprises along the way that include plot twists, character development, and a softness I did not expect.
The perfect book for the reader who needs some suspense, wants to look into the reality of a police officers life, and has a passion for good novels! I am very much looking forward to the next book in the series, Confessions of a Suicidal Policewoman!
Pick up Confessions of a Catholic Cop at your favorite bookstore or it is available for purchase in electronic and paperback versions on and The eBook, which is compatible with Kindle, Nook and Apple products, is only $2.99!
Want to know more about the author? Check out this Q&A!
I always knew I wanted to do something creative. After I left the NYPD, I made a pretty good living as a WNBC TV talk show host, commercial actor and model with the FORD model agency. But when I ventured into acting on soap opera and in film I discovered that I was a really lousy actor—I couldn’t sing or dance either. Since my head was filled with stories and unique characters from my days “on the job,” I decided that writing was the next best thing. In the beginning some of the people around me discouraged me from even trying to write a novel; why, I’ll never know. They urged me to hire a professional writer to ghostwrite. I tried that route, handed over a couple of short stories to a well published author who, after reading the pages, handed them back to me saying: “You don’t need me. You can write the book yourself.” And so I did.
What inspires your stories?
People inspire me. When you get to know someone, are capable of putting yourself in their head, the stories flow and become unique no matter the plot or arena.
What’s your current project?
I’m writing a third book with the “confessions” theme. First there was “Confessions of a Catholic Cop,” then “Confessions of a Suicidal Policewoman” (coming soon!), and now “Confessions of a Celebrity Bodyguard.” Since I’m a former New York City cop who comes from a family of cops, and have been a private investigator and bodyguard to A-list celebrities for the past 20years (the last nine spent bodyguarding Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas), I’m told that I’m uniquely qualified to write these types of books.
What is a typical day?
Since I’m on call 24/7 when my clients are in town, I’m forced to structure the days I’m free to write. I rise around 5:30 a.m., read the New York Times, and drink about six cups of coffee. Then I answer emails, speak to my identical twin brother (a retired cop; we speak every day), eat breakfast. I’m usually at the computer by around 8 a.m. at the latest. I’ll work non-stop until around noon, break for a sandwich, then back to writing. I knock off around 4 p.m., head down to the gym for a workout. Shower. Shave. Off to a pub for a pint or two followed by dinner at one of Manhattan’s fabulous restaurants.
What do you do when you’re not writing?
As mentioned above, I’m a full-time bodyguard and private investigator. The bodyguard work can be most challenging. Unfortunately, there are a lot of crazies in the world (they grow on trees here in New York) and my team and I must be alert and ready for anything and everything; from frantically aggressive paparazzi to insensitive overzealous fans to common wackos. And then there’s the ultimate concern: predatory stalkers.
What’s it like to be a celebrity bodyguard?
It’s a high pressure job. The hours are brutal. You must be vigilant; watch everyone, trust no one. My clients make my job worthwhile. I happen to work for truly decent, thoughtful, down to earth people.
What is your worst writing experience?
Since the book business is subjective, the worst thing about being a writer is dealing with publishers. When my publisher Tor/Forge changed my “Confessions of a Catholic Cop” to “City of Fire,” (a misleading humdrum title which I hated), they published another “City of Fire”— a book with a similar theme and similar cover art — at the same time. When I pointed out their bizarre blunder, the publisher insisted that having the two thrillers in the same mystery/thriller sections in book stores at the same time wouldn’t be a problem, that there’d be no conflict. They, of course, were dead wrong. To make matter worse, my “City of Fire” never achieved the promised wide, national release—a national web of police officers reported to me that my book never made it into most book stores. (The small personal fortune I’d spent promoting the book on TV, radio, in social media and in shopping malls around the country was wasted). There’s also the fact that an author is forced to deal with the publisher’s totally overworked and grossly underpaid editors, marketing and public relations people. There’s no way they have the time to pay attention to a new author or “get behind” a book.
Most satisfying writing moment?
When Truman Capote read a short story of mine, told me I had a future as a writer, and then introduced me to an agent. I was too young to appreciate it at the time, but looking back…wow. Reading good reviews of my books on also makes me feel good.
Which writers have impressed you this year?
Dennis Lehane—he keeps getting better. Donald E. Westlake—always makes me laugh. Walter Mosley—for his unique voice.
What are you reading right now?
I read several books at once: “Alone” by Lisa Gardner, “Early Autumn” by Robert B. Parker, and “Eightball Boogie” by Declan Burke.
Who do you read for guilty pleasures?
Guilty pleasures are ALL I read for these days. There was a time when I’d force myself to finish any book I started. Now if I can’t relate to the characters or story in about 25 pages, I put the book down—life is too short. Who do I pick up first? Robert B. Parker.
What fictional character would you most like to have been?
I have to admit there is no fictional character I’d like to have been, partly because I’ve lived the life that most crime and thriller authors write about. I was raised in the Woodlawn section of the Bronx by good Irish parents—Caven/Dongal people. As mentioned above, I was a New York City cop, an actor, a model, a TV talk show host and spokesperson. Now, I serve as a private investigator and bodyguard to A-list celebrities and write in my free time. I live an exciting, fast paced life in the heart of NYC, surrounded by friends and family, and have been blessed, so far, with good health. I wouldn’t trade places with anyone — real or fictional.
What are your plans for the future?
I plan to keep writing as long as the ideas keep flowing. At this point, I never seem to be at a loss for story ideas. As a matter of fact, I doubt I’ll live long enough to pen all of the yarns that are swimming around in my thick head.
Also, I’d like to be a snowbird someday, live and write on a sunny beach in the winter, be home here in Manhattan in the summer.
With regards to your writing career to date, would you do anything differently?
I wished I’d started writing seriously earlier. But I was too occupied with women and beer—still am to a much lesser degree. I wish I hadn’t listened to early critics who advised me to homogenize my work and write for the marketplace—no author should.
Any advice for someone trying to break into writing?
How about I quote Stephen King? “Fiction writers, present company included, don’t understand very much about what they do—not why their writing works when it’s good, not why it doesn’t when it’s bad.”
Write what you feel, what you believe, what you’ve lived.
And every aspiring writer should read the “Elements of Style” by William Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White.
The three best words to describe your own writing are?
Minimalist. Gritty. Fun
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