This is a guest review by Adelina from Home Maid Simple. I received Airheads from Smiley360 in exchange for my honest review.
Who loves to Craft with their food? I surprised the kids after school yesterday with Airheads Pinwheels. Their little squeals of delight, and “Wow, Thanks Mom!” were well received and had me thinking about my own childhood again.
When I was a kid, we’d go to the little corner store with our allowance and see just how much candy we could buy. One thing we all would purchase were Airheads. At 10cents for 1, we each would end up with 10. It was always a hard choice when we only had 4 flavors to pick from, to decide which to get 2 of. Kids these days don’t have that problem. With so many fun new options like Airheads Extremes and Airheads Bites, the fun is unlimited!
I came up with the idea of making pinwheels while walking around Michaels looking for some crafting inspiration. I saw pinwheel kits, and the Airheads with their bright colors came to life in my mind. It’s so simple, you’ll love making some for your kids too!
First you’ll need a variety of Airheads. Some sucker sticks, a rolling pin, and rolling cutter. I started by pouring the Airheads Bites into the bottom of a jar to hold the pinwheels up. Then the fun really started. You can make the pinwheels big or small. I made some of each. For large pinwheels, you’ll want 4 regular Airheads. Open them up and slightly overlap them lengthwise.
Using the rolling pin, flatten the Airheads out the best you can. They won’t be completely smooth, but we’re mostly going for a connection so they don’t fall apart from each other.
Next grab your cutter, and slice the Airheads diagonally from each corner to ALMOST the center. Lay a sucker stick down with the tip in the center. Then fold over the left side of each triangle to connect the corners in the center, and on top of the sucker stick.
Voila! You’ve now made Airheads Pinwheels! The large pinwheels won’t stand up too well, but you can make smaller pinwheels that will stand up well. To make the smaller ones, connect only 2 of the candies. Cut in half to form the square template. For added flair you can also use the Airheads Bites as a center decoration for the pinwheel.
What will you craft with Airheads? Check out more fun ideas on the Airheads Pinterest Board!
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