I love books. Always have. We have a million of them. From children’s books that clutter the shelves, well worn and read, to my more mature books, boxed and protected away from tiny hands. We can not have enough books.
I am always on the lookout for new and exciting books that not only are interesting to my children, but also illustrate a lesson to be learned. A new voice that my children can relate to and understand.
This weekend, they met Ed. I originally thought “Adopted Ed”, a playfully illustrated, and well written book, would be a little too mature for my girls, but when I opened the envelope my 3 and 4 year old came running over to have it read. I obliged, expecting them to toddle off after I was done. Not a chance We read it over and over again until they could almost recite it word for word. And then my husband took over, happily listening to them tell him the story before he could read the words.
It is a wonderful book told with the knowledge of someone who has lived it. “Adopted Ed” follows a little boy starting school with a special quality his friends don’t have. He is adopted. Though he does not see it as a big deal, the bullies – true to form – start picking on the one thing they don’t understand. As his heart breaks, his loving mother holds him and gives him the tools to quiet the bullies, as well as the confidence to ask questions about his own adoption.
“Adopted Ed” is not just a book about being adopted. It is a multi layered message about accepting your differences, finding the positives in them, combating bullies in an intelligent way, and so much more. It is not just a book for adopted children, their parents, and others affected by the adoption process. It is for anyone who has children, knows children, or works with children and wants to educate them on acceptance… for any reason!
Please add this wonderful and interesting book to your family’s holiday list. You can learn more about it and the author, Darren Maddern at http://adopteded.com/books/adopted-ed/. You will not be disappointed!
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