
My Adoption and Me

November 20 is National Adoption Day.  A day to raise awareness and celebrate adoptive parents and children everywhere.  It’s funny, I never even knew it existed, or really cared, until recently.  Until my blog, really.  Until I forced myself to post honestly about my myriad of emotions as a mother and realized, this event-  my [...]

2016-05-11T15:35:42-05:00By |Raising Daughters|14 Comments

I Support Adoption and Get a Wendy’s Frosty Too #Frosty4Adoption #Ad

Anyone who has read ever knows that I was adopted. I was 8, I knew my birth family and I am not silent about it. If it were not for my adoptive parents, my life might have been drastically different. And not in a good way. 22 years ago, Dave Thomas, the founder of [...]

2014-10-10T15:32:26-05:00By |Promo Writings|1 Comment
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