c section

Don’t tell me I didn’t really give birth because I had a C-Section

Shaming women who have C-sections is ridiculous and needs to stop! A knife cut through my skin, muscle, tissue and uterus so that my daughter and I could live. It did the same two more times for my other two daughters. Recovery was painful and exhausting paired with the care of newborns and not much [...]

My C-section flap is the most beautiful thing on my body #skexperts

I am an Expert Among Us for SheKnows.com. Find all of my articles on my SheKnows.com page The C-section flap can cause so many body image issues. But in reality, it is the most beautiful thing I have on my body.  All along in all of my three pregnancies, I hoped for vaginal births. I [...]

2016-05-11T15:35:44-05:00By |Raising Daughters|2 Comments
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