You guys know I love Kroger and the deals I get there, even without my store doubling and tripling coupons anymore. I still save quite a bit. But one thing I can never seem to save on is MILK.
Well – this week, when you buy 4 boxes of General Mills Cereal OR Nature’s Valley Granola Bars, you get 2 Gallons of Milk F R E E!!!
That will last us 2 days! LOL
PLUS, if you coupon, you can save even more!
I copied this from Pays 2 Save – WITH PERMISSION – because she laid it out better than I ever could!
“This deal is without coupons:
Buy 4 General Mills Cereal: $2.99 w/card=$11.96
Paying $1.99 per cereal and milk
Deal with 4-$0.50 off coupons for Cheerios: (this is the coupon I have)
Buy 4 GM Cereal: $2.99 w/card= $11.96
Use 4-$0.50 coupons (doubles up to $1)=$4 off
Paying $7.96 ($1.33 per cereal and milk)
Deal with 2-$1 off coupons:
Buy 4 GM Cereal: $2.99 w/card=$11.96
Use 2-$1 coupons=$2 off
Paying $9.96 ($1.66 per cereal and milk)”
As always, check your Catalina coupons and Kroger coupons you get in the mail for even MORE discounts!
Thank you to Pays 2 Save for this amazing deal!
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Image: Pays 2 Save
Wait, your Kroger doubles? I thought they stopped that!
No no – I thought I put in the opening paragraph that mine does not but I
copied the post for those who did!