
Just Be NICE!

I dropped Katie at preschool this morning and headed home with a very sick 18 month old (double ear infection/ bronchitis) and a very active 3 year old.  We came to a three way stop that happens to land in a construction zone right now.  I sat and waited and waited ...and waited some more [...]

2016-05-11T15:35:28-05:00By |Raising Daughters|9 Comments

Random Acts of WOW!

Against my better judgement, I opted to take all three girls to the grocery store this morning as opposed to going at midnight last night.  It was not a decision made by a wise, seasoned Mother, but one made by a tired, confused Mommy.  By the time I got the girls to bed, gathered my [...]

2016-05-11T15:35:55-05:00By |Raising Daughters|1 Comment
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