baby dolls

Baby Alive Sips ‘N Cuddles Doll Review and Giveaway #PlayLikeHasbro

*I am a  proud #PlayLikeHasbro Mom and promise honest reviews for you!* My youngest daughter, Megan, hit childhood with some very specific loves. Baby dolls and horses. While all of my girls went through the ‘baby’ stage, she has steadfastly been a mommy from day one. The number one thing on all wish lists for [...]

2015-05-05T10:55:52-05:00By |Giveaways, Reviews|2 Comments

Springfield Dolls Review

Given the opportunity to review a doll from Springfield Dolls , it was a no-brainer for me.  I have a 7 year old little girl who LOVES dolls.   She is out of the baby doll stage and more into the “big girl” dolls these days. So when I saw these adorable dolls I was so [...]

2016-06-18T17:35:43-05:00By |Giveaways, Reviews|5 Comments
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