Every mom needs a little support!  And the best support is generally from the mom who is the most honest!  And when that mom writes it down in a book for us to enjoy, relate to and refer back to when we need that extra support then it is just a a blessing!

The Mommy Diaries: How I’m Surviving Parenting without Killing Anyone by Dallas Louis is just the book that we moms need to pick us up and laugh, cry and feel akin to any day of being a parent.

“The trouble started when I realized that babies don’t sleep.”

A mother who had three babies within 26 months brings humor, heart and recognition to the realities of motherhood.  Through her mixed fear and joy every time the pregnancy test turned positive to the absolute shock that once you have them, you actually have to raise them!

Ms. Louise brings to the forefront the true reality of parenting.  From dealing with kids that liked to bite other kids – she feared they would be kicked out of Christian school for canabalism – to the reality that woman simply do not view sex as men do. Especially after children.  While breastfeeding. And a child hanging on them all day, this book covers the A  -Z’s of parenting for a  mother’s perspective!

From the realization that a marriage needs attention even with three babies in the house, to the parenting decision that she did not need to move her precious Cukoo Clock from its lifelong place just because the kids were touching it, her brutal honesty and admission to struggling with parenting is refreshing and just plain funny!

My favorite section of the book is the third pregnancy.  A result of some rare alone time before a business trip, it was unplanned, unexpected and came when their oldest was one and their youngest was eight weeks.  And they found out the morning of the husband’s vasectomy!   The reality that a third baby would be coming with two at home, a husband that traveled and a mother in law who insisted on moving in was just overwhelming.  Add to that Ms. Louise’s intense nausea from the pregnancy that caused a 15 pound weight loss and landed her in and out of the hospital and she admits… things were more than stressful.

I love this book.  It makes me feel normal.  And in a good way.  Everything the author writes about and admits to is something I can easily understand. I see my story in hers and that makes it much more interesting to me.

Plus, I like to laugh out loud when I read a book and this one is stock full of hysterical conversation and flippant – true -remarks!

Oh, and for my Houston, TX readers… she lives here and talks about Houston in the book!  Just a little fun fact! AND she includes a ton of real life photos which just adds to the amazing storytelling!

Head over to Amazon and read the great reviews and get your copy of The Mommy Diaries: How I’m Surviving Parenting without Killing Anyone and then come back and tell me what you think!!

And one lucky winner will get a copy of this fun and honest book!  Just click [continue reading] for easy Rafflecopter entry:

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