Monthly Archives: January 2014

A Quick Tip to Taming Laundry

The other day the girls and I were at a play date with another family who has four little girls. Yes, seven little girls all ranging in age from 9 - 1 playing together harmoniously! As any busy mother does, she was multi-tasking with laundry. She would fold and then toss into a basket. I [...]

2014-01-31T15:00:17-06:00By |Crafts|8 Comments

Quilted Northern Ultra Soft & Strong Pampers with Strength

 Toilet paper is toilet paper. Unless it is not. Quilted Northers is more than just plain old toilet paper. It is a pampering, soft, new toilet paper technology having product that cleans and makes you feel confident! Just as a good lathering shower or soaking bubble bath with a really wonderful smelling soap, Quilted Northern [...]

2014-01-31T11:32:37-06:00By |Promo Writings|1 Comment

Rebels Footwear is Comfy and Stylish Review

If diamonds are a girls best friend then their shoe closet is empty! HA! OR, shoes are just a cheaper friend to have. You can have a lot of them, share your personality and mood with them and start a conversation based solely on your… soles. Rebels Footwear is here to make that conversation even [...]

2014-02-16T11:26:28-06:00By |Reviews|5 Comments

My Best Friends

It is no secret that my ex-husband used to ‘work’ an insane amount of hours. And that on the weekends he was so busy around here and with friends that we didn’t end up with much “couple” time from week to week.  We talked sometimes on the phone during the day and a few minutes at [...]

2016-05-11T15:35:51-05:00By |Raising Daughters|4 Comments

Snickers Dip Recipe

What is more delicious, more satisfying than a good ole Snickers bar at the perfect time! I love them and, though I have to 'watch my weight', sometimes a girl has to splurge! When I can turn that favorite into something amazing, though, it just gets better! Just in time for those parties and other [...]

2014-01-30T20:54:57-06:00By |Recipes|4 Comments

Secretly… I Smile

Sometimes I feel downright mean to my kids.  In fact, I have about 6 posts started with titles like “I Hate Being Mean”; “They’ll Leave as Soon as They Can”, and “They Have CPS on Speedial.”  All posts started, but not completed. I guess because by the time I get around to finishing them, the [...]

2016-05-11T15:35:52-05:00By |Raising Daughters|12 Comments
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